Hello Canada! Bonjour Canada!

Welcome et bienvenue to UnitedCanada!

This is our first post and we are so excited to get this project going by blogging with you about the Canadian-Quebecois-Native Conflict we face as Canadians. 

When you come to Canada you may notice the tension between English and French Canadians as well as with the Natives. Over the past years conflicts have risen amongst the different children of Canada. Although, this conflict can be seen as somewhat new, it may surprise you to know that this conflict dates back to conflicts that started in Europe even before the discovery of this country.

This project started off as a class group project where we were asked to find a way to bring the English, French and Natives together.

How do you solve such a BIG conflict!? Where can you even start??

Here’s a blog on the approach we took: Communication and Education.

What you think is true might not be, and the hate you have against the other culture might actually just be rumors from past generations!

Did you know? Canadians don’t want Quebec to seperate! They appreciate us and find we add flavor to the Country. The English and the Natives accepted us even when FRANCE kicked us out. Yes we feel orphaned but the rest of Canada likes us…they just feel we dislike them.

And Canada…did you know? Quebecois feel that you don’t understand us…we don’t feel part of the Canadian family and we want our own little place that we can call home…that is why we are so angry. Where is home?

Do you wanna talk about it? Feel free to comment and say what’s on your mind anywhere in the blog.

Thank you for being a part of this movement to change. Let’s build a United Canada, a place we can call home. 

— If you want to read more about this issue take a look at Donald Gingras’ book on the 400 years of Canadian History that made us and many others think


6 responses to “Hello Canada! Bonjour Canada!

  1. I’m really glad someone’s taking initiative on spreading the word… far too often have I encountered discrimination from franco Montrealers: we’re all from the SAME city!! Why are you treating me any differently? Great idea guys…

  2. As a bilingual citizen, i have seen the best – and worst – of both the Franco and Anglo worlds in Canada. However, I’m saddened to say that my more hostile experiences revolve around hatred of my Anglo half. If the French-speaking population (which, by the way is in no way limited to Quebec), so greatly fears their assimilation by the English, why not encourage them to learn the language, rather than spurn them for their shortfall? This contempt felt by the English is more an intimidation than an invitation to understand the French desire for self-determination. No home for the French, you say? Come on, their feeling of homelessness is self-inflicted. French-Canadians are acting like xenophobes amongst their own.
    Still, this hatred is probably not as widespread as one may believe. Malgre le fait qu’il y a une bonne portion de Francais qui agissent avec discrimination, il y en a autant qui acceptent les Anglophone sans probleme. De plus, les Francophones sont egalement sujet de plusieurs prejujes formes par certains Anglophones.
    As for the natives, well their presence is quasi-nonexistent in our daily lives, so it is harder to comment, though I think that very fact means that they should be paid more attention to.
    UnitedCanada is an excellent idea. We are a heterogeneous society, let’s start acting the part people!

  3. The conflict between French and English speaking people in Quebec is an important issue in the daily lives of all the people living in the province. The laws in place to keep the French language the dominant one in the province are quite limiting and infringe on people’s freedoms. What makes Montreal such a wonderful city is the mix of people from all over the world and the acceptance we show in this melting pot of different languages and cultures. I ultimately believe that your chosen language should be a choice and not forced upon you. Instead of forcing people with legislation to to make French the dominant language, why not promote bilingualism? As someone who is better in English than French, I constantly feel the pressure to ameliorate my French to succeed in this city. The fact of the matter is though, that two languages are really better than one. So lets keep the amazing tolerance Montrealers have alive and allow for both languages to coexist.

  4. As a bilingual french-Canadian with a mother born in Ontario, I’ve also seen the best and worst of both worlds. I think the tension between these two groups is based on a misunderstanding. Historically, they’ve always been taught to hate or resent eachother for reasons that I needn’t mention. But the referendum’s long over and it’s about time to take a chill pill and coexist peacefully.
    We’re not all so different. The French and English Canadians are looking for work, going to school, and leading extremely similar lifestyles. Separatists should shut up already and promote the french language, as should the English be more open to the French language. As complicated as it may seem to the anglos, French is beautiful and shouldn’t be lost because of a flawed education system. English-speaking men should know that they would probably get laid more often if they spoke more French. In any case, this project is extremely interesting and could prove to be very beneficial to our country.
    Regarding the natives, I understand why certain Canadians might feel resentful towards them. If they want to be considered equal to everyone, then maybe they should stop playing the victims and get themselves together. Accept what has happened, move on, remember that your past is taken into account in numerous text books and Canadian Heritage museums, and get on with your life. The Canadian government should not have to pay for a bunch of people getting high off paint in a reserve and abusing their families. I know this sounds harsh, but as long as we keep treating them like victims, they will continue to act like victims. It’s almost patronizing on the part of the Canadian government.
    Anyhow, I really encourage this project and hope that it’ll help us understand the complexities and the roots of our feelings of resentment.

  5. I’m very impressed with this blog! It’s nice to see the french/english debate presented in a fashion that doesnt involve bashing one of the two sides! Its also great to give people a place to voice their personal experiences on the matter in hope that it will help us come to an understanding of each of the cultures. Good Work!

  6. The initiative I see undertaken in this project inspires me. As a former outsider to Quebec from western Canada, I have certainly seen a different picture of the relationship between French and English in Quebec than has been portrayed in the western media (western Canada, that is). The richness of the French culture, language and history impresses my mind at every turn. The uniqueness of a society where French and English are so intricately interwoven is a beautiful example of the diversity that is Canada. And yet I have found an amazing depth of renewed understanding through reading Gingras’ book. Greater communication between the two cultures can lead to increased comprehension of the experiences of what it means to be francophone, anglophone or allophone in Quebec, and even in the wider context of Canada. Here in Quebec we have something so valuable that we must seek to protect and nurture it. Projects like this provide a potential highway of communication to take us into a brighter future that appreciates and utilizes the strengths that each one of us brings to our distinct society. Bravo!!

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